The Healing Properties of Hemp-Derived Products
Many people rely on over-the-counter and prescription medications to alleviate pain. While these treatments can be quite effective, they aren’t right for everyone. Most medications commonly prescribed for pain carry a high risk of chemical dependency, while over-the-counter and prescription medications can both cause a significant number of side effects.
Those concerned about the potential risks of pain medication often search for natural treatment options. The search for natural pain relief leads a significant number of people to investigate the potential of hemp CBD for pain relief.
Evidence Supports Using CBD For Pain Relief
There are several ways that over-the-counter and prescription medications work. Some medications have anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits, while others calm over-sensitive nerves. Several medications prescribed for pain increase the amount of pain-relieving neurotransmitters in the bloodstream.
Many people are initially surprised to learn that hemp CBD targets the same pathways as pain-relieving medications. The effects are similar. CBD is shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and analgesic effects because of the way it interacts with key receptors throughout your body.
Researchers and CBD enthusiasts alike are intrigued by the pain-relieving potential of this safe, natural product. Here are a few of the many reasons people are using hemp CBD for pain relief.
CBD for Fibromyalgia Pain
Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread body pain with no discernable cause. Most often, those living with fibromyalgia do not find adequate relief taking pain medication. In addition to potentially debilitating pain, those living with fibromyalgia commonly experience a significant number of other troubling symptoms. Just a few of the many symptoms of fibromyalgia include:
- Unrefreshing sleep
- Sleep disturbances or insomnia
- Cognitive impairment (fibro fog)
- Digestive disturbances and nausea
- Cramps and muscles spasms
- Sensitivity to light, noise, or touch
- Morning stiffness
Many researchers today believe the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and several other health conditions, are caused by endocannabinoid deficiencies. That means their bodies make fewer neurotransmitters (endocannabinoids) than it needs. CBD mimics the effects of your natural endocannabinoids. By supporting the endocannabinoid system, CBD is also shown to help regulate sleep cycles, improve digestive function, and diminish the environmental sensitivity associated with fibromyalgia.
CBD for Arthritis Pain
Arthritis is one of the leading causes of joint pain. While most common over the age of 65, arthritis can strike at any age. Arthritis causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation. There are different types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is commonly caused by wear and tear or joint injury. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune disorder. Because of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of CBD, a significant number of people are using CBD for pain relief related to the swelling and stiffness affecting their joints. CBD is also shown to protect arthritic joints from nerve damage.
CBD for Nerve Pain
Nerve pain can range from mild to severe and has many potential causes. Those who experience nerve pain often describe their discomfort as a burning, searing, or stabbing pain. Some experience sensations similar to an electric shock. Nerve pain can be caused by inflammation, illness, or injury. Just of few of the many conditions that can cause nerve pain include:
- Diabetes
- Shingles
- Fibromyalgia
- Multiple sclerosis
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
CBD has the potential to combat nerve pain because of the way the plant-based cannabinoids influence endocannabinoid and non-endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body, including the GABA and serotonin receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter that blocks the impulses between nerve cells. When GABA receptors are activated; nerve excitability is reduced.
CBD for Muscle Spasms
Muscle spasms are commonly the result of overuse of the muscle, muscle fatigue, or injury. Many people experience painful muscle spasms when their leg muscles relax during sleep (nocturnal leg cramps). The antispasmodic effects of CBD are shown to help reduce the frequency and severity of muscle spasms, nocturnal leg cramps, and menstrual cramps.
CBD for Chronic Back Pain
Most people, 80 percent, will experience back pain at some point in their life. While most back pain is temporary, back pain lasting longer than three months is considered a chronic pain condition. Just a few of the common causes of back pain include:
- Strained ligaments or muscles
- Ruptured or herniated disks
- Nerve compression
- Muscle spasms
- Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
- Irregular posture
Depending on the cause of the pain, the standard treatments for back pain might include over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers (NSAIDS), prescription pain medications, muscle relaxants, or a combination of medication and lifestyle modifications. CBD is shown in animal studies to be as effective for pain relief as many prescription and nonprescription pain medications.
CBD for Post-Workout Pain
The pain you feel in your muscles after an intense workout is caused by microscopic injuries to muscle fibers. The injuries result in inflammation and pain. Fitness enthusiasts and an increasing number of professional athletes are using CBD to alleviate their post-workout discomfort. A significant number of athletes also appreciate CBD’s potential for improving sleep. During sleep, your body releases growth hormones that can have a positive influence on athletic performance and lean muscle mass.
CBD for Migraine Symptoms
Like fibromyalgia, some researchers believe chronic migraine pain could be the result of endocannabinoid deficiencies. By mimicking the messengers and influencing the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD could alleviate a potential cause of migraine pain.
Intense headache pain is not the only symptoms migraineurs contend with. Those experiencing migraine headaches might also recognize the following symptoms of a migraine episode:
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to sound or odors
- Nausea or vomiting
- Visual disturbances
- Sensitivity to touch
The analgesic and antiemetic potential of CBD could provide welcome relief during a migraine attack. While there has not been a significant amount of research dedicated to the effects of CBD for migraine episodes, The Migraine Treatment Centers of America confirm that a significant number of people using CBD are reporting substantial benefits.
Investing in the Pain-Relieving Potential of CBD
Cannabidiol (abbreviated as CBD) is one of the many potentially beneficial components found in cannabis extract. Most of the CBD available to the general public is sourced from non-psychoactive industrial hemp, the other cannabis plant.
Unlike its cannabis cousin, hemp does not contain a significant amount of THC, the cannabinoid responsible for the brand of intoxication marijuana is known for. You cannot get high from hemp CBD, even if you were to consume an extreme amount.
If you are considering investing in the pain-relieving properties of CBD, you may be pleased to learn that there are many ways to experience the potential. Consider the features and benefits of the following product types:
CBD Tinctures, Capsules, and Edibles
When you invest in a consumable CBD product, the CBD enters your digestive tract before entering your bloodstream. The effects of ingested CBD will reach their full potential within 1-2 hours, lasting for approximately 8 hours (depending on how your body responds). When using a CBD tincture, you can accelerate the results by holding the tincture under your tongue for 60-90 seconds so the CBD can absorb into your bloodstream before swallowing.
CBD Vape Products
Vaping CBD is considered to be one of the most efficient delivery methods. Choose from disposable vape pens, rechargeable vape pens, or CBD e-liquids to use with the vape gear you already own. The effects of CBD vape are commonly felt within minutes. While faster, the effects of vaping do not last as long.
CBD Topical Application
You don’t have to swallow hemp oil to experience the health and wellness potential of CBD. Those looking for targeted pain-relieving potential have the option of CBD topical products. CBD creams, lotions, and salves have a reputation for providing quick, lasting pain relief.
CBD is not a medication. Hemp CBD is a dietary supplement with significant health and wellness potential. If you have a medical condition or are under the care of a physician, it’s always recommended to consult with your health care provider before adding any dietary supplement to your current treatment plan. CBD is shown to interact with several medications.
For CBD products in La Crosse, WI, visit CannaBiz Depot. At CannaBiz Depot, we offer an extensive assortment of hemp CBD products, including products from Lazarus Naturals, CBDistillery, and our own private-label CannaBiz Depot branded products. All CBD products at CannaBiz Depot are third-party tested to ensure their purity and potency.
CannaBiz Depot is all about hemp. Visit CannaBiz Depot for hemp clothing, hemp accessories, hemp-derived bed, bath and beauty products, and a variety of foods and beverages made from industrial hemp.
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