Is It a Fact That CBD Can Help With Substance Abuse?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a hot topic in the media. Similarly, the consumer market is overflowing with Cannabidiol products ranging from CBD-infused coffee to smoothies, skincare products, candies, and pastries. However, what’s the pertinent reason for the widespread use of hemp CBD? At the moment, researchers are focusing more on the potential use of CBD to control cravings associated with substance abuse.
More recently, CBD has been showcased to curb substance abuse disorders among patients addicted to morphine, opioids, methamphetamine, heroin, and alcohol. In addition, the National Institute for Drug Abuse is attempting multiple clinical trials for other substances. Based on research CBD treatments may hold the key to effectively cleaning heroin addiction in subjects.
And as a 2018 study found, when CBD is administered in rations of 80 mg per kg of weight, it has the potential to reduce the impulse of rats to self-administer methamphetamine along with relapse to meth-seeking conduct following abstinence. Moreover, another study established that medical hemp use may actually help subjects recovering from Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), thus potentially averting a growing problem in the US.
However, with so much research, what does the science behind the product tell us? Let’s take a closer look at CBD’s role in the management of drug addiction.
Benefits of CBD in Drug Addiction Treatment
Recently, CBD has been receiving much attention from the research community because of its potential to treat drug and alcohol abuse. Most of the focus has been on the ability to prevent relapse in drug abuse. This argument takes into account CBD’s ability to reduce anxiety and stress levels related to drug cues. Equally, CBD also substantially curbs depressive tendencies by exerting influence on the brain circuitry responsible for triggering drug cravings.
Various preclinical studies have been conducted to investigate CBD consumables as a treatment for drug abuse. In one of the investigations led by Gonzales-Cuevas intending to analyze the effects of CBD on drug craving, impulsivity, and anxiety—the representative study sample had an alcohol and cocaine self-administration history. Further, once CBD oil was administered, the results showed significant potential for addiction treatment. First, CBD influenced relapse conditions such as anxiety, stress, and impaired impulse control. Thus indicating the considerable potential of CBD in eradicating vulnerability states that result in relapses. Second, although the treatment was short-term, the primary effects were long-term.
American Journal of Psychiatry
Another study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry further reveals the ability of CBD to lessen drug cravings in heroin addicts. The research conducted on 42 participants with a history of heroin addiction attempting to refrain from relapse makes further inroads into this valuable treatment solution. After dividing participants into three groups, two of the groups received CBD for three days, while the third group was a placebo one. Next, the three groups watched two videos. One video featured nature scenes while the other featured drug-related cues.
As expected, the video on drug-related cues triggered more cravings than the nature one. Important to note, the participants who took CBD had far fewer cravings than their counterparts. Plus, the CBD groups also reported low anxiety and stress levels and reduced heart rate.
Current State of Drug Addiction Medication
Currently, drug addiction medications have temporary effectiveness. Regrettably, the meds have addictive properties, and users can become addicted to them. Based on that observation, this causes further addiction. Hemp may offer a new way of treating drug addiction without resulting in further addiction. Furthermore, it can add to the existing medication toolbox for drug addicts. Significantly, CBD has the potential to not only lower the death toll from opioid addiction, but also cut healthcare costs and address treatment limitations for addicts.
Learn More About CBD Research for Substance Abuse
CBD is the next big thing. As research shows, it has numerous potential health and therapeutic benefits. Indeed, they range from reducing anxiety to relieving pain and lessening inflammation. Based on recent research, you will find that CBD also holds significant promise to treat drug addiction. Check out our website for more insights about CBD and to shop our complete line of high-quality hemp and CBD.